The Defender (2004)

An NSA agent (Dolph Lundgren) seeks to protect the President (Jerry Springer) from terrorists when he attends a meeting in Rumania.

Genre – Action

Director(s) – Dolph Lundgren

Writer(s) – Douglas W. Miller

Cast – Dolph Lundgren , Jerry Springer and Shakara Ledard

Blue Rider’s Role – Arranged bridge financing

Distributor(s) – Bauer Martinez Studios, Visual Entertainment, Edito Films and Fravidis (France), Force Video (Australia), Inter Film (Japan), Prooptiki (Greece), Pyramid Home Video (Russia), Transeuropa Video Entertainment (Argentina), e-m-e The DVD Company (Germany)

Release Date – 2004

Synopsis – The President of the United States (Jerry Springer) and his allies are trying to push through Congress a plan for world peace, but it’s meeting with a lot of opposition and drastic measures will be required to make it work.

Unbeknownst to the general public, the President has planned for the National Security Advisor to make a secret trip to Rumania where he’ll meet a man who is in deep with the terrorists. A Gulf War veteran named Lance Rockford (Dolph Lundgren) and some secret agents will accompanying him on the trip.

The Americans arrive and are attacked by a group of militants. Lance fights to get himself and the National Security Advisor out alive and hope the President can get them safely back to the US.

Internet Movie Database entry for The Defender
Three trailers for The Defender (Quicktime, Flash and in Japanese)
Official Site